PROJECT SPOTLIGHT | The KUB Fiber Hut Design Project involves the construction o
April 14, 2023
PROJECT SPOTLIGHT | The KUB Fiber Hut Design Project involves the construction of multiple huts throughout KUB Fiber’s distribution footprint. KUB is expanding its Fiber to the Home (FTTH) services throughout seven counties in the Knoxville metropolitan area. Each of these huts will act as a node, or starting point, for the distribution of fiber-optic broadband services to KUB customers. These huts are built with full connectivity and are located on existing KUB substation sites. The huts are prefabricated Modular Connections fiberglass structures that safely house fiber equipment. Conduit layouts are put in place to easily pull fiber cables into and out of the huts.
When completed, KUB will have a total of 20 huts placed for the fiber network. In the first year, LDA finished the construction of three hut sites by May 2022. For year two, the construction of five hut sites began in December 2022 and is expected to be completed in 2023. LDA expects to complete construction of five hut sites per year to meet KUB’s fiber network buildout plan.
LDA is providing site grading, site layout, foundation design and geotechnical evaluation services for each hut. Each site will be graded and developed so that the prefabricated huts can be placed with a quick turnaround. This project involves coordination with multiple cities, counties and the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) for permitting and following regulations.
